Thursday, February 26, 2009

Riot Warning!

Riots may lead to incarceration or death. The government is preparing themselves for battle, re-read this re-post from Tuesday. The 'stakes is high', plan accordingly...

but plan for action.

thanks to Uncle$cam for the reminder

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

"Summer of Rage" and the G20

Police in Britain are preparing for recession riots this summer and aggressive protests against the meeting of the G20, which they are calling a "summer of rage". Well said.
...middle-class individuals who would never have considered joining demonstrations may now seek to vent their anger through protests this year.

...banks, particularly those that still pay large bonuses despite receiving billions in taxpayer money, had become "viable targets". So too had the headquarters of multinational companies and other financial institutions in the City which are being blamed for the financial crisis.


Also, check out the local response to the coming rebellion: Preparing the military to restore order.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Our Riot History: Watts

The Wat
ts riots where the first major black riot of the 60's. Sparked by rumor of police brutality, it opened the flood gates to decades of anger and longings for freedom. While most in the establishment saw Watts as the "dregs of society gone out of control", the participants and politically astute saw it as a political protest and tactical guerilla warfare.

What we don’t remember, what many of us never really considered, was that this was a mass political action that had no leaders, no apologists, no internal critics. The Watts riot was a spontaneous act of a people who had been oppressed, emasculated and impoverished for too long.

The riot was a rebellion, a naturally formed revolution, an unconscious expression of a people who had lived entire lives, many generations, in a state of enforced unconsciousness. It was about people who were poor and undereducated, people who had no motherland or mother tongue or even a history as far as most of them knew. (From "What We Forgot About Watts" below)
The result was too many dead and arrested, but also worldwide publicity to the problems of blacks in inner-cities, local empowerment and politicalization, and immediate local government action to address grievances.

Please read more:

What We Forgot About Watts

Here is a synopsis of the goings on.

White French guys chime in

The Watts Rebellion at 40

Also go see the documentary Crips and Bloods: Made in America. It has some great first hand accounts of the riot and commentary on its connections to modern day L.A.